Monday 1 June 2015


Strip mining
Aka. Open
Pit mining

Shaft mining           

Part A) For each type of mining you will research what it is (how it is done) as well as the pros/cons of it of each type.

You should have a minimum of 3 examples for both pros and cons for each of the two types of mining.

Part B) Once you have an idea of the different types of mining as well as the pros/cons of that type of mining you will put yourself in the shoes of the stakeholders below. Considering the PROS /Cons of the two mining types, which would you prefer?

For each stakeholder, explain the type of mining you would prefer and WHY.
Spouse of a miner
Owner of a mining company
Owner of a nearby ski resorts

Part C) Research mining in your country. Is it an industry that exists?
If yes, what do they mine for? What time of mining is common?
If no, explain some reasons why mining is not common in your country.

Part A:
Open pit mining Pros :
-Greater safety when compared to shaft mining because its not underground and workers are not endangered by harsh chemicals.
-Get more minerals than shaft mining as it results in high recovery to that type of resource.
-Cheaper costs for mining companies

Shaft mining Pros :
-It allows minerals to be extracted from deep underground
-It doesn't create a mess like  open cut mining as its underground
-Doesn't affect the physical environment on top of the lithosphere

Open pit mining Cons :
-Pollution and drainage occur and is serious to the environment especially when it touches the water
-Loss of ecosystem because this mining eliminates biological life at the surface
-possibly could impact the air quality

Shaft mining Cons :
-safety underground is limited because underground a lot of methane can be produced which can kill humans
-more possibilities of fatalities in shaft mining
-higher costs to go through with operations 
Part B :
Spouse of a miner
As a life partner my main concern would be safety. I would choose open pit mining as there are less  casualties. It allows my spouse to come home safe and i know he or she wont be in trouble or stuck in a bad event.

Owner of a mining company
If i was a owner of mining company i would choose openshaft mining. The safety of my workers is a must as they are providing their trust in me. Open shaft mining is a lot of safer than underground mining. As well the costs is cheaper so its a win win situation.

As an environmentalist i would choose the underground mining. First off when the mining is done underground the physical appearance of the top is not changed and left the same. So animals still have their habitat on the surface of the land.

Owner of a nearby ski resorts
If i owned a ski resort i would obviously not want a openshaft mining happening near my resort. It would drive the public away and when its underground most cant see what is happening because the top part of the surface is clean and left untouched.

As a politician i would do open shaft mining. It is much cheaper and safer than underground. So there are less casualties to happen when workers are working on the surface and can not blame the government if someone was to die. Because it is cheaper it also also the workers get more minerals.

Part C :

In Indonesia there is a lot of illegal mining. Most mining is done underground its very rare to see open pit mining. Probably because with underground mining you can go in deeper looking for valuable products. In the end there is a less of a mess created on the surface which leaves the environment looking clean. Indonesia mainly is mined for its coal and nickel.  Other products that are extracted are copper, tin, asphalt an petroleum.

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