Sunday 14 June 2015

Case Study: Flooding in Brisbane Australia

Using the links provided below answer the following questions. 
1) Describe the causes of the flooding. Consider both the natural and human causes of the flood. (4 marks)
Flooding can occur   from either human causes or natural disasters. Flooding is usually in communities which are near the coast. One of the major causes in flooding in Australia is heavy rainfall. Other natural causes , which cause flooding, are hurricanes, tsunamis and violent storms. Some floods don't happen from natural disasters but instead  its done from man made activities. For instance a human cause can be mining and urbanization. Another cause that affects floods can be from pollution and infrastructure. 

2) Describe the social (impact on people), economic (money), environmental impacts of the floods. (12 marks)
Some social impacts that happen from floods is the loss of lives. Some lose their life while others become homeless ad the flood destroys their home. Floods can cause people to get infections and different types of diseases as it contaminates the drinking water. Floods can injure many people as its rough waters which can carry heavy vehicles with them. In the end even if the flood has cleared out it has affect many survivors physiologically. They may be traumatized due to losing a family matter or seeing such a vivid event take place. Floods can plummet economies. The destruction caused on a property from floods can reduce the properties value. Federal government would need to pay for rescue aids. The price on groceries would increase because there would be limited supply due to the loss in the flood. People who become homeless would need jobs to rebuild their lost home. Not only to rebuild  homes but there also would be money needed to rebuild the city. Flooding can impact the environment severely in a negative way. It can destroy forests  and kill animals that come across its path. With floods it can contaminate other waters with various chemicals. It also destroys the natural balance of the ecosystem and leaves the landscape looking a bit different.

3) How is the government of Queensland preparing for future potential floods? (4 marks)
First for most the government is putting a lot of effort into educating the pubic on flooding and how to deal. with it when it is happening. They want to make sure the public is prepared to face a flood without fear but with more strength. The government of Queensland is trying their best to prevent flooding by creating solutions which can overcome the heavy rainfall. A major cause of flood here is because of the overflow of drainage. They became very nasty when its combines with heavy rainfall. Australians are now building stronger homes by getting sturdier framing done and also are building their houses on higher ground.

*Please note: My parents live in Brisbane and were there during the floods! I know this area very well (I have been 5 times). you will NEED to read all of these articles and not just copy down the first thing that you see.

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