Saturday 13 June 2015

Impact of Fishing

For this assignment you are going to reflect on the documentary "End of the line" that we watched in class. 

a) Consider the impact on the following stakeholders as described in the film. (2 marks each. /8)

-Fishermen (they talked about Canada, East Africa, The eastern USA)

The people that depend the most on the fishing industry are the fishermen. It is what gets the food on the table for them. Fishermen depend on fishing to help provide for their families. The impact on fishing is a major positive to the fishermen because its what they rely on to gain money. Without fishermen consumers like us would not be able to eat the fancy fish dishes we like. The government also rely on fishermen because they need to gain profit and money.

-Consumers (think about the people who buy fish, and the restaurants that sell it)
Consumers who eat fish on daily bases rely heavily on the fishing industry. Some people eat fish to cover health concerns in a proper manner. For instance people who lack vitamins and minerals may eat fish to gain it. People who need Omega-3 would also eat fish to gain the Omega that they need. Fishing also has a positive impact on consumers because it is a demand for fish lovers.  Especially in high class restaurants fish is used as a main meal for simplicity and flavourism.

The government as well heavily rely on the fishing industry. The more fish fishermen catch the more profit the government gains. They can make more money from fishing companies. The fishing industry also is a big positive for the government as it gains them profit from both consumers and fishermen. As people will pay more money for  fish delicacies which causes the fish industries to boom!

-The Environment
The environmentalist however are not happy about the fishing industries. By fishing it leads to a loss in fish species because sometimes fishermen over fish. Environmentalist are concerned about the fishes because taking away a certain type of fish can screw up the food chain. Ecological disruption is not a positive yet a negative in fishing.

b) Research fishing in your country. (/10)
-Is it a major industry? (If not look at the salmon industry in British Columbia)
-Has it been impacted by overfishing and climate change? How? 
-How will species depletion impact your country?

Indonesia is one of the biggest seafood producers in the world. It is one of the countries which is the most productive with aquaculture and wild stock fishing. This country is ranked the fourth most populous country that contains  major seafood consumers. The fishery production is totaled at 15 million tonnes in 2012. Aquaculture stands at 9 million and wild stock is at 5 million tonnes. Most of their shipments are sent to the states and Japan. However with climate change and over fishing there are certain negatives and positives in the concern. The effect of sea level rise means that coastal fishing communities are in the front line of climate change. They will have a harder time fishing in poor weather.  While on land the changing rainfall patterns and water use impact on inland fisheries and aquaculture. Indonesia is big on aquaculture and gain most of their profit from aquaculture. This does not just impact the townspeople but as well the fishes and other marine animals.  For instance the rising ocean acidity makes it more difficult for marine organisms such as shrimps, oysters, or corals to form their shells. This is creating a defect in the food web as these animals have to find alternatives for survival. Species depletion would have  major impact on Indonesia! There would be alack of biodiversity in the waters and would lack balance in the food chain. There would be more of one certain fish than another and could lead to the loss of more species. Depletion for species will also cause fishing industries to decline. As the fish decline there would not be enough supply to fulfill the demand of fish for the consumers. 

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