Friday 19 June 2015

Energy Assignment Part 3

You are now going to go back to the 3 energy types that you researched in Part 1 of this assignment. You are going to rank them based on their potential to be implemented in your country.

Based on the potential to be implanted in my state i would rank the energies in this order for Indonesia:
-Coal energy

-Wind energy
-Solar energy

I ranked Coal energy as their first because it is already being used in the country. The country is a developing country which needs help financially and coal seems to be the best option for them as of now. The coal mining is affordable for Indonesia because it is not as expensive as it is to make solar panels. The size of Indonesia is large enough for coal mining to take place. However research shows each mining area is good for Indonesia for about 80 years. So in the short run running out of coal is not a huge issue to Indonesians. Indonesia is one of the top ten coal producers in 2013. They stand at fourth place! The government and the community  also help out in coal mining. Coal mining opens up many jobs for the public which allows them to earn money for themselves and a profit is gained for the government.
Top Ten Coal Producers in 2013:
 1. China     1840.0 Mt 6. Russia     165.1 Mt
 2. USA      500.5 Mt  7. South Africa
     144.7 Mt
 3. Australia      269.1 Mt  8. Kazakhstan      58.4 Mt
 4. Indonesia      258.9 Mt 8. Poland      57.6 Mt
 5. India      228.8 Mt10. Colombia      55.6 Mt

I ranked wind energy second due to Indonesia and its finical budgeting. Although solar panels seem like a better idea it is still a little more expensive to build. Indonesians cant afford to pay for the luxury of that. Thats why wind energy comes into play! In certain areas of Indonesia there already is wind energy to help save the environment.The main wind energy potential areas are located in East and West Nusa Tenggara. However the climate may become an issue if wind energy was put in place everywhere. Wind energy requires its turbines to have wind. The main variable of Indonesians climate is not temperature or air pressure but rainfall! With rain it might to be a good idea to use wind energy. I did not rank this first because wind is unpredictable so the people int eh country should not be to dependent on wind energy. The government has recently started using this type of energy to help the environment and have the wind turbines installed to use for electricity in Indonesia.

I ranked Solar energy at third! Although it is  a better option out of the three it is quite expensive to build and manufacture. I think it would be a good idea to invest in because in the beginning you pay the big hefty price but afterwards the costs are less. How much does it really cost to use the suns rays? If you add up the amount of money used to mine, transport and manufacture coal it is probably the same as solar energy maybe even a little more costly in the long run! The geography for my state is actually perfect for solar energy. Indonesia is in the middle of earth (near the equator) so the sun is always shining on the country! The size of Indonesia is pretty good in the sense of covering range for the panels. The government has set up small areas with solar panels to also help save the environment. However most of the time the people have to but it on their own to light up their house or to bring in heat in a safer way. Which probably is the reason why mostly everyone rely on coal!

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