Thursday 2 April 2015

Waste Management

1) Research the different ways that your country disposes of waste. Do they use landfills? Incinerators? Something different? (5 marks)
What are incinerators?
It is an apparatus for burning waste material until it is reduced to ash. Indonesia does not use incinerators because the residents voiced their negativity on incinerators.
What is a landfill?
A landfill is a place to dispose waste material by burying it and covering the waste with soil. Indonesia uses landfills but use the application called Geographic Information System to analyze suitable landfill locations. Yet these landfills are open to the public and anyone can access them to throw their garbage away.
In indonesia recycling is a big thing! They recently have aimed to reduce the amount of materials that are being used by recycling or reusing. They have built factories which aim to generate less waste than the factories from 2008!

2) What are some of the challenges that your country faces in terms of waste disposal? ie. Size constraints, growing population. (5 marks)

Indonesian cities are facing problems with managing solid waste.The deadly landslide at the Leuwigajah landfill near Bandung, Indonesia struck on February 22, 2005. During the night, some 2.7 million cubic metres of garbage, hazardous waste, and mud swept like an avalanche through the villages of Cilmius and Cireundeu.
The disastrous swath of garbage traveled almost a kilometre. More than 140 people were killed and at least 69 houses  were destroyed.The tragedy at the Leuwigajah landfill is the most spectacular recent example of Indonesia’s challenges in solid waste management.  There is too much waste in the landfills and something has to be done! Because there is so much poverty there is less sanitation and landfills are mainly open dumps where people throw their garbage. In Bali due to the booming tourism industry there is a lot of plastic trash in the waters. The islands refuse collection in disposal services and aren't able to keep up with the volume of waste and illegally dump that waste. The garbage they dump resurfaces sooner or later on the sand in the beaches where tourists come to enjoy a vacation.

3) Describe some ways that you think your country could improve their waste management strategies. If you think they are perfect (hint: no one is) then explain why you think this. This section will require you to think on your own and create your own argument. (10 marks)

I know  Indonesia is not the perfect country but as of now they are trying to help keep the waste to a minimum. I think instead of having open landfills where people can throw their garbage it should be closed and privates. Basically saying instead of having landfills as open dumps have garbage pick up days like in Surrey! So they can take out the grapage which is recyable and just throw away the nessisicites. Educate is also a key aspect to changing their waste management. Educating people on what compost and recycling is and how it is beneficial can help change Indonesia  The towns people would understand what could happen if they still decide not to recycle or keep the environment cleaner. Otherwise Use machineries to squish the garbage so the landfills are not over flooded. Even after using different types of machinery maybe start burning garbage as it'll reduce the garbage in the area. This process is called incinerating; however  we have to keep in thought that burning garbage is not healthy for us! Have organic and recycling  bins in every corner of the city so people can recycle in ease! There is no system in place to sort, recycle, and reuse their garbage but if one was to be put in place it could impact the environment drastically but  of course in a positive manner!  I think there is a lot my country can do to improve on their waste management strategies. If they do not start reducing their garbage and fixing the waste problem they will have a future filled with health concerns and would be living in a dump. Having a clean environment is necessity not just for humans but for other living organisms as-well!