Thursday 26 March 2015

Hurricane Questions

1)    Find a hurricane/tornado that occurred in your country
No major hurricane or tornado has hit Indonesia; however, typhoons occur regularly. A typhoon is a tropical storm that can hit the Islands of the Indonesia between September and December. They can cause rainstorms and heavy winds. However, not every Typhoon that hits Indonesia is a strong one. No major typhoon hit Indonesia however the Haiyan typhoon hit the Philippines which is near Indonesia. This typhoon were one of the strongest tropical cyclones ever recorded.

2) Describe the storm in terms of category, when it occurred, wind speed, etc. 
Its highest wind was 230 km/h and was sustained for 10 minutes. The storm surge was six meters tall; however, in certain areas the storm surge was smaller. It was formed on November 3rd 2013 and dissipated on November 11 2013. It killed 6,340 died because of the devastation and 1,061 bodies are classified missing. The damaged it caused was about 2 billion dollars in USD.

 3) Describe the social (people), economic (money), physical (impact on the environment/nature) of your storm using as many examples as possible.

This typhoon caused catastrophic damages throughout the islands of Leyte. The actual death toll still remains unclear however they got a rough estimate of 6,340 people. The terminal building of Tacloban airport was destroyed by a 5.2 m high storm. Although the wind speeds were extreme the major causes of damages was due to the storm surge. Haiyan has affected over 13 million people because nearly half a million homes were damaged or destroyed. The storm continued on through the Philippines and progressed to China.  The storm left behind uprooted trees and a lot of carbon dioxide was released by the storm when it uprooted the trees and topsoil.  Because of the typhoon the lack of sanitation, skyrocketing prices and a shattered economy resulted. The damage it caused is around two billion dollars and its clear to state typhoons are natural parts of earths continuing climate change. The Philippines islands are located in a region where climate change can alter rapidly because of the weather and sea levels.

Monday 23 March 2015

Climate controls

            1) Explain how the different climate controls impact your country

With global warming increasing in the past three decades, changes in precipitation and cycles of droughts and floods triggered by the Australasia monsoon. Which also have damaged agricultural production in Indonesia, causing negative consequences for rural incomes. At the same time, rainfall data in most other areas show increasing trends. However, the rainy season has shortened, ending earlier, while the dry season has become longer. As a result, more rainfall is concentrated in fewer days, resulting in increased flooding. Climate change is predicted to have a significant impact on agricultural production in Indonesia, especially food crops. The impact may be direct, for example, there is less agricultural productivity due to increased air temperature and changes in rainfall patterns. Global warming and climate change in tropical regions can reduce corn yields by more than 40 percent and rice yields by 20 percent if temperature increases by 5°C.

       2) Describe the dominant climate of your country/region. You should include temperature and precipitation characteristics.

Indonesia is basically has a topical climate. There are temperature changes from season to season. Cooler temperatures prevail at higher elevations. In general temperatures fall approximately 1 degree per 90-meter increase in elevation starting from sea level.  Around the costal plains the temperature is usually around 28 degrees Celsius. In the inland and mountain areas it’s about 26 degrees Celsius. The higher mountain regions vary around 23 degree Celsius.  In Indonesia there is more perception in the colder months such as December, January and February. There’s less perception around the fall season. The average perception in January and February is 300mm, in March it is 210mm and in May and June it is 100mm. 

3) Include a climograph for a major city in your country/region.

Thursday 5 March 2015

Rain Questions

Research the following for your country: 

1) Dominant Air mass that impacts your country. Think about the different seasons.
The climate of Indonesia is almost entirely tropical. The uniformly warm waters that make up 81% of Indonesia's area ensure that temperatures on land remain fairly constant, with the coastal plains averaging 28 °C, the inland and mountain areas averaging 26 °C, and the higher mountain regions, 23 °C. Temperature varies little from season to season, and Indonesia experiences relatively little change in the length of daylight hours from one season to the next; the difference between the longest day and the shortest day of the year is only forty-eight minutes. The extreme variations in rainfall are linked with the monsoons. Generally speaking, there is a dry season (June to October), influenced by the Australian continental air masses, and a rainy season (November to March) that is caused by Asia and Pacific Ocean air masses. Local wind patterns, however, can greatly modify these general wind patterns, especially in the islands of central Maluku Seram, Ambon, and Buru. This  annual pattern of wind and rain is related to Indonesia's geographical location as an isthmus between two large continents.

2) The Global wind that mainly impacts your country
The trade winds impact Indonesia. Since Indonesia is basically on the equator the trade winds come in to play. It is a wind blowing steadily toward the equator from the northeast in the northern hemisphere or the southeast in the southern hemisphere, especially at sea. 

3) The type of rain most commonly found in your country. Be sure to explain why that is a common rain. Give specific examples from your country.

Convection rain is commonly found in Indonesia. Convection rain is very common in areas where the ground is heated by the sun such as the tropics. Indonesia is in the tropical area. At night the convection is more active over the sea than over the land because the sea is warmer than land. Under the influence of the maritime area the convectional rainfall is able to occur in the early mornings or after twelve o clock local time.